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Maharashtra Tourism --- The Offical website of the Maharashtra Tourism
Introduction of Nanded (The Holy City)
Nanded Historical Places
"The Lord has sent me into world for the purpose of spreading Dharma (Righteousness) every where and to destroy the evil doers root and branch. Know ye holy men! I have come solely for the purpose of establishing Dharma, protecting the Saints and completely uprooting the wicked men."
History of Nanded
Nanded is one of the historical places in Marathwada region of Maharashtra State. It is situated on the north bank of Godavari River. It is famous for Sikh Gurudwaras. Nanded is a town of great antiquity. It is said that during the Puranic days, Pandavas traveled through Nanded district. Nandas ruled over Nanded through generations. In 1708, Guru Govind Singh the tenth spiritual leader of the Sikhs came over to Nanded, his permanent abode. It was he who preached amongst the Sikhs that there need not be any spiritual leader for them and they should take Granth Sahib as their leader. A monument has been constructed at the place where he breathed his last. A Gurudwara has also been constructed there. It is known as Shri Huzur Abchalnagar Sachkhand Gurudwara.
Introduction Nanded
Roots of Sikhism in Nanded
Evolution of the Sikh Religion
Sikh Identity
Location of the Events
Holy Rivers
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