Arts, aristocracy and graciousness. A legacy of valour combined with a culture
steeped in spiritualism, education and modernism. Kolhapur with its myriad
images emerges as a city with a multi-faceted persona and a rich cultural,
historical and mythical past. Ancient texts such as the Padmapurana and
the Skandapurana speak in glowing terms of Karveer or Dakshin Kashi
which is, in fact modern-day Kolhapur on the banks of river Panchaganga
nestling among the Sahyadri ranges.
A journey through the past reveals that Kolhapur has lived through the regimes
of various rulers from the mythical past to the modern age. The Hindu era
lasted till 1347, followed by the Muslim rule which was from 1347-1700. The
magnificent temples of Kolhapur were built during the glorious periods of the
Satavahana kings and the Shilaharas. The Marathas controlled this area from
1700 to 1849. In 1849, the British took over and Chhatrapati Sahu Maharaj was
installed as the ruler of Kolhapur.
Chhatrapati Sahu Maharaj's reign lent a progressive spirit to the city and he
extended his patronage to theatre, films, music, painting, sculpture, wrestling
and crafts. As result, the city has a rich cultural ethos. In 1945,
archaeological excavations close to a hill named Brahmagiri on the banks of the
river Panchaganga revealed the existence of an ancient town dating back to the
Roman times. Today, Kolhapur combines its artistic past with a dynamic present
and is a modern, industrial city.