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Maharashtra Tourism --- The Offical website of the Maharashtra Tourism
District Wise List of Land / Properties of MTDC
Mumbai City
Sr.No. Place & District Description of Land Survey / Gat /CTS No Area in Date of possession Title in the name of MTDC Status
1 Girgaon Chowpaty* 12 (P) 500 (Govt.) 22/9/2000 MTDC Open land. Given on long lease for water sports activities
2 Marine Lines** 100-A & 100-B 711 (Govt.) 28/9/1990 Govt. Petrol pump. Possession with MTDC
Note :-
* : Land transferred on lease hence N.A. tax is not payable
** : Land transferred in liue of share capital hence N.A. Tax to be paid.
*** : As the land is acquired/purchased/donated the N.A. Tax is payable.
**** : It is to be decided if the N.A. tax is to be paid or not as the said lands are not transferred to MTDC either in lieu of share capital or on lease, however the said lands are in possession of MTDC.
Govt. : Government land
Pvt. : Private land
Disclaimer :-
  1. M.T.D.C. is a fully owned Govt. Company of Govt. of Maharashtra.
  2. M.T.D.C. has not appointed any individuals, organization as agents in the matter of any transaction of the above land /properties
  3. All are informed that the these properties are fully non-transferable and hence non-saleable.
  4. Only lease agreement can be created by following the due procedure of law.
Mumbai City
Mumbai Upnagar
Thane District
Raigad District
Nashik District
Nandurbar Dist.
Jalgaon Dist
Ahmednagar Dist
Pune Dist.
Satara Dist.
Solapur Dist.
Buldhana Dist.
Hingoli Dist
Nanded Dist
Osmanabad Dist
Latur Dist
Amravati Dist.
Wardha Dist
Nagpur Dist
Bhandara Dist
Chandrapur Dist
Aurangabad Dist
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