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Maharashtra Tourism --- The Offical website of the Maharashtra Tourism
 Leisure of Maharashtra
With its vast natural resources and unspoiled hills and forests, Maharashtra provides loads of adventure and fun for those who may seek it. MTDC runs resorts in many beaches and hillstations which provide for water sports, trekking, boating and other adventure sports.

More facilities are added to the resorts each year, and MTDC also has plans to increase the number of resorts which are aimed at the adventure sports and leisure tourism segment.

Bhatye Bhatye
Bhatye is in the outskirts of Ratnagiri town. You can camp across the bridge More Info...
Igatpuri Resort Igatpuri Resort
Vipassana, one of India's most ancient meditation techniques, is traced More Info...
Lonar Lonar
Situated on the outskirts of Loanar town in Buldhana District, the Lonar More Info...
Nawegaon Bandh Nawegaon Bandh
Nawegaon, Vidarbha's most popular forest resort, is the ultimate More Info...
Panshet Panshet
Set in an idyllic location, between Panshet Dam and Varasgaon More Info...
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