Maharashtra Tourism --- The Offical website of the Maharashtra Tourism
Tender Notices of Maharashtra Govt.- The Offical website of the Maharashtra
Tourism Development Corporation, Govt. of India
Tenders are invited by Maharashtra
Tourism Development Corporation Ltd. |
1. Marina at NCPA, Mumbai Prebid Minutes(Clarifications & Set of Deviation).
2. MTDC invites sealed quotations from reputed manufacturers / suppliers for supply of kitchen equipments (freezers and deep freezers) in Deccan Odyssey Luxury train coaches. Last date of submission is 21 September, 2013.
3. MTDC invites sealed quotations from Reputed Contractors for polishing, painting, carpentry repairs and refurbishment work of Deccan Odyssey Luxury train coaches. Last date of submission is 20 September, 2013.
4. MTDC invites Expression of interest (EOI) for Educational Tourism from qualified and reputed travel firms or agents or proprietary firms to provide us assistance for this tour. Last date of submission is 3 October, 2013.
5. Engaging of Consultant for the preparation of detailed project report for the development of Marina and Tourist amenities at NCPA, Mumbai through DBOT on PPP mode. Last date of Submission is 11 Sept, 2013.
6. Electrification of MTDC's Regional Office Building at Nasik, Dist. Nasik. Last date of Submission is 10 Sept, 2013